Educating Under War (70402)

Session Information: Professional Training, Development & Concerns in Education

Session Chair: Sarah Jefferson

Saturday, 15 July 2023 10:20
Session: Session 1
Room: G08
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 1 (Europe/London)

Education under war has always been a very hard enterprise to undertake. However, a paramount value of education and instruction have always stood as strong incentives to push people to strive and use other means at hand to provide their children with knowledge by maintaining alive the process of teaching. In fact, education stands mandatory for every individual to protect citizens from any kind of abuse, ill-treatment, and ignorance. In peace times, it is important to keep one’s citizens educated to ensure harmony, social stability and to keep tight relations between people inside and outside the country’s territory. Henceforth, the current paper attempts to shed light on how we can educate individuals in territories under the siege of war. It enquires into the following question: “to what extent does war negatively impact the process of education?” To address the aforementioned query, an exploratory research design has been applied wherein a questionnaire to 100 Algerian individuals, from different social groups and educational backgrounds, and who lived during the Algerian revolutionary war, has been used to collect data. Results indicate that, indeed, despite wartimes an aware and responsible nation considers education as a precursory tool to fight for liberty, enlightenment, and freedom.

Radia Guerza, Batna 2 University, Algeria

About the Presenter(s)
Dr Radia GUERZA is a University Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer at Batna 2 University in Algeria

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00