
“Transforming and Changing Education: Borderlands of Becoming and Belonging”

July 9–13, 2014 | Thistle Brighton, Brighton, UK

The European Conference on Education 2014 (ECE2014) and the European Conference on Language Learning (ECLL2014) were held alongside the inaugural European Conference on Technology in the Classroom (ECTC) at the Thistle, Brighton, from July 9 to 13, 2014. This event, the largest in IAFOR's European Conference Series, attracted 270 delegates from over 40 countries in a programme chaired by Professor Sue Jackson, Pro-Vice Master of Teaching & Learning at Birkbeck, University of London (UK), Professor Steve Cornwell of Osaka Jogakuin University (Japan) and Professor Barbara Lockee of Virginia Tech (USA), and considered the joint conference theme, “Individual, Community, Society: Connecting, Learning and Growing”.

The plenary session and supporting sessions at the conference had an excellent line-up of speakers. IAFOR would like to thank ECLL Keynote Speaker and leading ESL author and consultant Ken Wilson, ECTC Keynote Speaker Dr Peggy S. Meszaros, William E. Lavery, Professor of Human Development and Director of the Center for Information Technology at Virginia Tech, USA, and ECE Keynote Speakers Professor Penny Jane Burke of Roehampton University, London, and Professor Heidi Safia Mirza of Goldsmiths, University of London, UK.

We would also like to thank Professor Linden West from Canterbury Christ Church University, UK, and Professor Barbara Merrill, Reader in Lifelong Learning and Director of Research in the Centre for Lifelong Learning at the University of Warwick, UK, for their ECE Featured Presentation "Transforming Learning, Selves and Institutions: Student Narratives from European Biographical Research", and the members of our ECTC Featured Panel discussion, "IT Pathways: Utilizing Game-based Learning to Enhance Girls’ Interest in IT Careers", which featured Dr Monica Kimbrell, Professor Barbara Lockee and Professor Peggy Meszaros, from Virginia Tech, USA. Additionally, it was a pleasure for IAFOR to welcome award-winning educational architect Cindy Walters from the London architectural firm Walters & Cohen Architects, whose featured presentation gave academics and educators insight into the creativity, challenges and contributions of specialist educational architects.