Collision and Symbiosis of Multiple Cultures in Post-Industrial Heritage Renewal: An Autoethnographic Account (72454)

Session Information:

Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Video Presentation
Presentation Type:Virtual Presentation

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This paper explores the potential of post-industrial heritage renewal as a catalyst for cultural exchange and inclusive development, based on the author's observations and reflections on visits to four different sites in different countries. Drawing on an autoethnographic approach, the paper examines the collision and symbiosis of multiple cultures in the Ruhr Museum of Industry in Germany, the Pompidou Museum in France, the Battersea Business Centre in the UK, and the 798 Art Centre in China.

Through the reuse of former industrial spaces, these sites can provide a unique sense of place and cultural heritage that attracts tourists and investors alike. However, the redevelopment of these sites is not without its challenges, particularly in the context of multiple cultures colliding and symbiotically interacting.

The paper identifies common themes across the four sites, including the adaptive reuse of industrial buildings, the incorporation of art and culture into heritage regeneration projects, and the engagement of local communities and stakeholders in the development process. However, the paper also highlights the unique challenges and opportunities presented by each site, based on their specific cultural, historical, and political contexts.

In conclusion, through an autoethnographic account, this paper offers insights into the collision and symbiosis of multiple cultures in post-industrial heritage renewal, highlighting the potential of cultural exchange to promote inclusive development and greater understanding between communities. Contributing to a growing body of literature on the intersection of heritage, culture, and urban development.

Xiaotang Cui, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, United Kingdom

About the Presenter(s)
Ms XIAOTANG CUI is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at I work at the Art and Design School of Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, and I am currently a PhD student at the School of Art and Design at UWTSD. in United Kingdom

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00