The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) is a research organisation, conference organiser and publisher dedicated to encouraging interdisciplinary discussion, facilitating intercultural awareness and promoting international exchange, principally through educational exchange and academic research.
Virtual presentations afford authors the opportunity to present their research to IAFOR’s far-reaching and international online audience, without time restrictions, distractions or the need to travel. Presenters are invited to create a video of their presentation, which is then uploaded to the official IAFOR Vimeo channel and remains online indefinitely. This is a valuable and impactful way of presenting in its own right, but also an alternative means for those delegates who may be unable to travel to the conference due to financial or political restrictions. The same publishing opportunities apply to virtual presenters, with final papers being included in the ECE Conference Proceedings.
This video archive is best viewed on a desktop computer with a strong Internet connection.
A Study of Students’ Orientation in the Virtual Classroom
Anna Toom, Touro College, USA
Working with Evidence in Primary Education: A Game-Based Scenario between Formal and Informal Learning of History
Elias Stouraitis, Ellinogermaniki Agogi, Greece
Teaching through Inquiry: A Case-Based Approach
Chia Sook May, SIM University, Singapore
Foo Kum Fong, Ministry of Education, Singapore
Physics Lesson with Adobe Flash Animations
Hatice Kirmaci, Sisli Anatolian High School, Turkey
The Relevance of History in an Impoverished Society: Analysis of a Discipline Going into Extinction in Nigeria Since 1960
Enesi Prince Habib, Federal College of Education, Nigeria
Iyela Ajayi, Federal College of Education, Nigeria
Eliminating the Educational Structural Defects Constraining Effective Guidance and Counselling Services Delivery in Secondary Sc
Agatha Ojeme, University of Benin, Nigeria
Patriotism and the Teaching/Learning of History in Nigeria’s Basic Education Schools: An Assessment of NCCE Minimum Standards
Iyela Ajayi, Federal College of Education, Nigeria
Enesi Prince Habib, Federal College of Education, Nigeria
Blissfully Unaware: Learner Autonomy and the TESL Undergraduates at UPM, Malaysia
Habsah Hussin, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
The Teacher’s Role in Learning and Teaching: Case and Solution
E. Handayani Tyas, Christian University of Indonesia, Jakarta
Inclusive Education: Frameworks and Models of Indian Schools
Pooja Arya, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India