Inevitably education has to deal with change in several respects. Education, it can be argued, is about creating opportunities for individuals to change and for societies to adapt to change as well as about creating change. In democratic societies, educational policies on equity have become key. Any society with such ambitions has to review how the model chosen for schooling plays out in that respect – and to rethink how it provides teachers and principals with appropriate conditions for teaching and leadership in ways that can realise the most demanding purposes of education. Thus, education policy in contemporary societies has to revisit its foundation and elaborate a new contract between teachers and principals on the one hand and with the increasingly knowledge dependent society on the other. Such a contract rests upon two legs, organisational settings and resource allocation together with a focus on the teaching profession. This keynote will focus on the latter, discussing the role of the teaching profession, questioning how societies nurture the teaching profession – and how the teaching profession takes on the future of the profession.